Our New Normal…

I remember watching "Outbreak" and thinking "What would I do if that ever cam to fruition?" I can't help but feel that this has been looming all along, we just chose not to pay attention... It's hard to deal with a situation when you don't have guidance and you don't want to overreact or misstep.…

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Quick Thought On Healthcare

This is the time of year (thank you flu season) where I tend to be way more vigilant about my hygiene. I reduce hand shaking, person to person interactions, wipe my phone off as soon as I get home, and make sure I wash my hands & change from my "street" clothes. As COVID-19 (aka…

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Webinar Series #1 – Getting Started!

  Making your health a priority takes time, I understand that more than most.  A lot of times it's hard to know where and how to start.  In my first webinar series, I walk you through step one - Getting Started.  It's a four session series that shows you how to navigate your insurance company…

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